Knowledgeable, reliable, and dedicated

I recently had the privilege of working with Mr. Garrett LaBorde and the Laborde Legal Group on a complex business law matter. From the initial consultation to the finalization of the deal, their expertise and dedication were evident at every step. Garrett’s depth of knowledge in business law, combined with his impressive grasp of technology, made his insights especially relevant in our modern digital era.

The team at Laborde Legal Group maintained the highest level of professionalism throughout our engagement, fostering a sense of trust and confidence. Garrett’s meticulous and attentive approach ensured that every legal aspect was well-explained and easy to understand. Their commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for their clients is truly commendable.

I was particularly impressed with their thoroughness and the assurance provided during our collaboration. If you are in search of a knowledgeable, reliable, and dedicated business transaction lawyer, look no further than Garrett LaBorde and the Laborde Legal Group. I am grateful for their exemplary service and would not hesitate to engage their expertise again in the future. Highly recommended!

— Khari Harrigan

I cannot speak highly enough of the invaluable assistance

I cannot speak highly enough of the invaluable assistance provided by Garrett Laborde of Laborde Legal Group, LLC during my transition into the legal profession as a first-year associate attorney. From the outset, Mr. Laborde demonstrated a profound depth of legal knowledge coupled with a genuine commitment to fostering my professional growth. I wholeheartedly recommend Laborde Legal Group, LLC for their exemplary professionalism, unparalleled legal knowledge, and unwavering commitment to client success.

— Katy Nadira

Approach is not only professional but also highly attentive

I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Garrett LaBorde on a complex business law matter. Garrett’s expertise in the field is truly commendable. He brings a deep and practical understanding of business law coupled with an impressive grasp of technology, which is invaluable in today’s digital age. His approach is not only professional but also highly attentive, ensuring that all aspects of the law are clear and comprehensible. I greatly appreciated his thoroughness and the confidence he instilled throughout our collaboration. Highly recommended for anyone needing expert legal assistance in business matters!

— Cynthia Carroll

Their expertise and dedication were evident at every step

I had the pleasure of working with Laborde Legal Group for a recent business transaction, and I cannot recommend their services highly enough. From the initial consultation to the finalization of the deal, their expertise and dedication were evident at every step.

Furthermore, Laborde Legal Group maintained the highest level of professionalism throughout our engagement, fostering a sense of trust and confidence. Their commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for their clients is commendable.
If you are in search of a knowledgeable, reliable, and dedicated business transaction lawyer, look no further than Laborde Legal Group. I am grateful for their exemplary service and would not hesitate to engage their expertise again in the future.

Highly recommended!

— Brittany Siefert

Very professional and expedient

Garrett was very professional and expedient. My partner and I needed some help with a contract and he navigated us through the process. He was easy to contact, has good communication skills and left me feeling like I understood the issue better than when I started. I would 100% recommend him to family members.

— William Hayes

Genuinely cares about you and your family

Garrett is more than an attorney, he’s a family man, who genuinely cares about you and your family. He goes above and beyond to ensure everything is accurate and provides results! I did a lot of research on the best attorney for my situation and I’m thankful I got to work with Mr. LaBorde! Thank you for helping my father and I! Much love to you!

— Tristan Pengenika

A terrific and passionate attorney

Garrett Laborde is a terrific and passionate attorney. Having someone on your team that understands US and UK law is a huge asset when dealing with international business. We would strongly recommend Garrett to people that are looking for help when trying to make educated decisions.
— Gerald Mounsey

An exceptional team

Laborde Group has an exceptional team ready to help at your disposal for any legal matter. At the very least a great place to start if not in the correct legal category needed, they will properly guide you in the right direction. With honest and clear advice for your best interest. Laborde Group is a client-focused office seeking for your best legal interest and matters. I can personally certify of this statement. Laborde Group has helped me significantly.

— John Lourido

Extremely well informed in the matter of law

I found Garrett Laborde, Esq. to be extremely well informed in the matter of law, a great conversationalist, and a family oriented individual. I believe he and his firm are a perfect fit for entrepreneurial endeavors, community enrichment, and business growth, and I truly look forward to working with them in the coming years.

— Rana Nabors

Extremely professional

Garret and his team were extremely professional and solution oriented. I highly recommend!

— Marci Yancey
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.